ATS Guidelines on ARDS
American thoracic society published guidelines on ARDS, Here is the summary
Video laryngoscopy much better than direct laryngoscopy in critically ill
Matthew E. Prekker, M.D., M.P.H., Brian E. Driver, M.D et el published a trial of video vs direct laryngoscope in critically ill patients in NEJM. Video laryngoscope resulted in a higher incidence of successful intubation on the first attempt than the use of a direct laryngoscope.
Aggressive fluid therapy in Acute Pancreatitis is harmful
Enrique de-Madaria, M.D., Ph.D., James L. Buxbaum, M.D., Patrick Maisonneuve, Dipl.Eng., Ana García García de Paredes, M.D et el published study in NEJM comparing aggressive versus moderate fluid therapy in Acute pancreatitis. BACKGROUND Early aggressive hydration is widely recommended for the management of acute pancreatitis. This is based on animal model observation of regional hypoperfusion … Read more
Restrictive versus Liberal fluids in Septic shock
Tine S. Meyhoff, Peter B. Hjortrup et el(Classic Trial Group-Conservative versus Liberal Approach to Fluid Therapy of Septic Shock in Intensive Care) published study in NEJM comparing restrictive vs standard fluid therapy in septic shock. WHAT This was an international, stratified, parallel-group, open-label, randomized clinical trial in 31 ICUs in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, … Read more
Two dialysis catheters
Which one is the problematic ? What do you do next ?
Days out of Institution after tracheostomy and gastrostomy
Anica C Law , Jennifer P Stevens et el published a retrospective cohort study of Medicare beneficiaries who underwent tracheostomy and gastrostomy while critically ill in various intensive care units. Here is the summary
Update in cardiac resuscitation : New CPR Guidelines
Ashish Panchel, Jason Bartos, Jose Cabanas et el published uptdated guidelines for cardiac resuscitation in Circulation. Salient features are summarized in this picture. Now a days the guidelines are updated on a continuous basis but these are the salient changes summarized in a table form. Most updated treatment recommendations for cardiac arrest resuscitation FOR … Read more
Vit C fails to deliver- VITAMINS trial
Tomoko Fujii, Nora Luethi, Paul J. Young et al published the results of much awaited VITAMINS (The Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone and Thiamine in Patients With Septic Shock) trial. WHAT It was an investigator-initiated, multicenter, open-label, parallel-group randomized trial comparing vitamin-C, thiamine and hydrocortisone to hydrocortisone alone in patients with septic shock. WHERE 10 intensive … Read more